Tuesday, November 29, 2005

New Fruit ????

Alright Pomegranates are not a new fruit but to me it was a discovery that was so sweet!!!  Who knew that a funny looking onion thingy would be so full of sweet, tart seeds that are quite tasty and fruity.  The trick is to cut the onion looking fruit in half then begin picking the seeds out (this is a messy procedure).  Don't be fulled after picking all the seeds out around 20 or so you'll be like gosh where are all the seeds.  They are under the white parts just keep ripping open the fruit and more and more seeds will be found pick them all out into a bowl there will be around 613 seeds which is a ton of seeds.  They are so delicious and they are actually good for you.

Try it they can be found at Wal-mart for like 25 cents.  Sweet deal for a tasty treat.
Heath Brown

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