Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Portable Applications

Ok I love stand alone executables, I also enjoy apps that may have a folder but can work portably off a USB thumb drive.  These portable programs bring functionality and make life a little easier.  Some Portable apps that I am currently trying are: 
All these programs are free and all run off of the USB thumb drive they are nothing to new but they are new to me and pretty kick ass.  I mean GAIM on my thumb drive is pretty huge.  Another program I am currently working with off my thumb drive that isn't accessible except for a few people is Defygo, a portable password manager and file encrypter. A few of my friends are developing this program and its still in its infancy but looks to be pretty huge.  Anyway I will be trying to put up my thoughts on these programs as well as all the other programs I am working with  to keep who ever passes by up to date.

Heath Brown

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