Friday, September 12, 2008

Amazon MP3 for Linux

Tonight I was looking up some music on, I wanted to buy some music, which normally means I have to load up my Windows VM for the amazonmp3 down loader software.

To my surprise when I went to the page, Amazon had Linux versions of the down loader software. Finally a company that recognizes another OS is out there.

Kudos to you Amazon.

I had a little trouble with getting the rpm installed on my Fedora9 box.

This site helped me out:

Here are the commands from the website if you don't want to go there:

Super thanks to GoneSouth on the fedoraforums for posting this:

1. download the fedora 8 rpm (amazonmp3.rpm) from the amazon site
2. cd to your download dir
3. su -c 'rpm -i --nodeps amazonmp3.rpm' (this tells rpm to ignore dependencies)
4. cd /lib
5. su -c 'ln -s'
6. su -c 'ln -s'

The last two steps just soft link the .7 version of the libraries that come with F9, to the .6 file names that amazonmp3 is looking for. You should now be able to download amazon mp3s on your F9 install. Cheers !
Hope you guys enjoy the Amazon down loader as much as I did.

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