Monday, June 04, 2007

Not totally stupid

Today at work I felt like I was back in the infant stage at life. Everything I did was wrong. I couldn't even put four screws into a rack without two other guys there helping or taking over. It feels like I am going backwards instead of forwards. I know I have the skills just at the moment I am so apprehensive about looking stupid I look stupid. I ask dumb questions that I know the answer too. I am afraid of making mistakes. Jesus, the more I am scared the worse I look. I went to school for four years to look like a jackass. I have got to get a handle on the nerves and get some confidence back. Learn the shit and just do a good job. Mistakes will be made but I have to move on.

Sometimes you just got to let it out. But I am really frustrated with my performance.


Unknown said...

throw a roll of tape at the other duds nuts...that'll releave the tension.

Andy said...

Dude... Kick some butt!