Monday, December 31, 2007


Podcasts are a huge part of my life. Since, I do commute to work and I like to listen to music while driving podcasts are a life saver. Its also how I get up to date on a great deal of my tech news.

That being said, I am always looking for a new and better way to get these podcasts. I started out using bashpodder. It was a good way to get podcasts but lacked some features. I then went to using graphical tools those were a bust because I wanted something I could schedule and was easy to configure.

Roll in podget. Its very easy and simple to use and does the job I want.

A huge plus is it is already in the debian repos.

Installing is a snap. I run Ubuntu 7.10 so to install podget was simply:

$sudo aptitude install podget

Once installed there is a first time run interaction, which creates ~/.podget .

The ~/.podget file is where all the default configuration files are for podget. Two files are stored there podgetrc and serverlist. Podgetrc is the configuration file for the script. This allows you to adjust were podcasts will be stored where logfiles should be stored and other settings.

NOTE: I had to change up the variable most_recent due to podget downloading all podcasts. This controls how far back podget will try and download by default set to most_recent=0. I set mine to most_recent=2.

The serverlist file is where all the RSS feeds are stored. It is a very simple syntax of . That is correct categories. Which is a feature I really like.

Following the documentation and several sites that had some podget info. on them I set it up in cron.

$ crontab -e

15 04,16 * * * /usr/bin/podget -s

This allows for podget to run at 4:15 and 16:15.

Anyway, here are a few links I found helpful. Enjoy podget.

Review of my Christmas Vacation

Yesterday evening was the conclusion of my vacation travels for 2007, although I am still off until Jan 2. I feel a small recap is in order.

On Dec. 21, my wife and I embarked on a the first two hour journey to my parents house in Western Kentucky. The drive was easy and when we arrived dinner was on the table and waiting. Thank you mom.

On Dec. 22, my wife and I went to my Aunt's house for our Christmas party. We played the usual family games and had discussions on life and politics. This year we had a near birth at the party with my cousin's wife having contractions for a few hours.

On Dec. 23, we journeyed up to Southern Illinois 2 hours away to my wife's parents house. We enjoyed some good meals and watched some movies.

On Dec. 24, still at my wife's parents' house we visited all of my wife's close friends and attended the candle light service.

On Dec. 25, of course we opened presents which is always good. I got several accessories for my Xbox 360, games, new coat, clothes, and tools. The fun began after the present opening. My wife and I were to go back to my parents' house for more presents. We were about 15 mins out of her town, listening to Queen, when we heard the sound, (flup, flup, flup). Feeling my stomach sink down I pulled over into a parking area and sure enough we had a flat tire. It was on the left rear.

After changing the tire and driving slower than usual we arrived at my parents which took 3 hours instead of 2 hours due to driving slower.

On Dec. 26, woke up and went out to get my tire fixed. Couldn't just patch the tire had to get a new tire. Also, had to go to Evansville, IN to get it. 45 min. away.

On Dec. 27, get tire from Evansville and get tire replaced total cost $100.99. Also, went out on the town with wife for some local grub and visiting of friends.

On Dec. 28, hung out all day at the house.

On Dec. 29, my wife and mom left at 11:00 PM on Dec 28 to Bowling Green, KY for my cousin's wife baby was being born. My Dad, brother, and I worked all day on the "cabin" in the woods lifting logs and being men.

Came back on Dec. 30 and reopened presents.

All and all a pretty good but busy vacation. Now I am at home and fixing to start to party with my wife. No going out for New Years trying to save some money.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Few and Far Between

This is one of those I need to post more posts. I know I need to and I pledge to...especially over vacation since I won't have anything else except for presents.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Time Again

Basically, its Christmas time again. I like this time of year. I especially like the smells, by that I mean the smell of cold air, burning wood, and the warm apple, cinnamon smell. I love that smell. Now that I am a full time worker the best part of this year is the Vacation. I get some sweet days off. Also, all changes come to a hault which is really nice. All in all I am pretty happy with how things are going.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cisco 6500 VSS 1440...Makes One BIG Switch a bigger switch

As I went through my Google Reader the other day, I was quite pleasantly surprised to see that I had gotten a few new hits on my Cisco tag section. Looking into this further turns out Cisco had a product announcement.

Low and behold what I had been waiting for was there. Cisco finally announces the VSS 1440 for the Cisco 6500. Ok some people are like what the @#%%^. What this means is you can now "stack" two 6500 chasis.

If you are familar with the WS-C3750 switch you will know what this technology is right off the bat. If you don't I will try to explain.

Basically, stacking technology is a way to join multiple standalone switches into one logical switch with one IP address and one routing instance. Lets say you log into a 6 switch 3750 stack. If you did a show run you would see one main configuration with the typical stuff but when you got down to the interface section you would see once you got past the first 48 ports you would then see Gi2/0/1 and so forth.

This gives you one place to configure all the ports instead of individually logging into each switch. This also give you the ability to link all the switches together without having to "daisy chain". Eliminating problems in that area. As well it gives you the ability to get better redundancy as well as (if I am not mistaken) an 2 x 4G Etherchannel.

Etherchanneling is taking several ports in this case 2 x four ports over one logical switch (6 physical switches) and bundling them together for a bigger pipe. This helps in reducing spanning tree traffic.

A typical configuration of a Ehterchannel would look similar to this:

int Gi1/0/49
!This creates int port-channel 1
! The int port-channel is where you configure your etherchanneled ports
channel-group 1 mode on

int Gi1/0/51
channel-group 1 mode on

int Gi6/0/49
channel-group 1 mode on

int gi 6/0/51
channel-group 1 mode on

! Then configure your int port-channel
! After configuring this it will pass the config down to the etherchanneled ports

int po 1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,11,12,13,14,15
switchport trunk native vlan 888

Make sure you do a no shut on the int po 1 after you configure it so that the configuration gets put on the ehterchanneled ports.

On the otherside of the Etherchannel you need to do the same thing on the other switch combine in an Ehterchannel it does not matter what the number you is just make sure it is not in use.

OK, if you get down here I am sorry I went on a rant there but a background would at least help out. The VSS 1440 would allow you to combing two 6500 chasis. This gives you 18 blades at your disposal (in a 6509).

You can then have one IP and one routing instance as well now you have essentially removed spanning-tree between these switches and now you can have 2 X 4G Etherchannels combing into one 8 G Etherchannel.

Etherchannels must go to the same switch, because essentially it is just a big cable. So if you logically have one can put all your ports hooked to either physical switch and combine all of them. Super through put.

Some other things when I was talking to my boss about this was that you could also use this with the IBM BladeCenter switches once they move to the 3750 chipset. Right now hte IBM BladeCenter Cisco Switch modules are physically two switches but if the stacking technology gets implemented there one logical switch and again some serious throughput in combination with the VSS 1440 on the 6500.

Thank you Cisco, thank you.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Martian Child

I don't know if I mentioned seeing Martian Child. Go check this movie out its smart funny and very deep all at the same time.

Two movies that are just really good and makes perfect since.

  • Dan in Real Life
  • Martian Child

Martian Child stars John Cusak, Joan Cusak. Check it out I think you will be surprised.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Distro Whore

Yes, I am a distro whore. Now before you stop reading let me explain what means. A distro whore by definition is someone who gets several Linux distributions and continually switches them in and out for one another.

Well, that is me. Over the past few years I have tried several distributions. Currently at my house I am running:

Ubuntu 7.10, CentOS5.0, FreeSpire 2.0, Debian 4.0, openSuSe 10.3, FreeNas, IPCop

Downloading and fixing to install or try out:

DreamLinux, Fedora 7.92, DesktopBSD 1.6RC3, PCBSD1.4, Fluxbuntu 7.10, FreeBSD 7.0, Gentoo 2007.0, OpenBSD 1.4, SabayonLinux-3.4e

I think that is the making of a distro whore.

My new slogan in life is: Linux its an addiction

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life...

Steve Carrell

I don't see anything really wrong with the movie

I know that I am the worst movie critic ever...I hardly ever post about movies. I just had to say that Dan in Real life is a good movie. If you have a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, take them to see this movie.

When we went to the movies both my wife and I were mad at each other when we left we were holding hands and skipping.

I must see movie.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Merge the TWO

I have decided that I will be merging back together the Tech in with the Personal. Don't laugh it was a tough decision. Anyway get ready for some tech stuff on the my personal blog!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Way Behind

I read on of my friends posts about the stages of a web developer. It was a good look into different mind sets, I am not really sure what mindset I am in right now but I can tell you in everything right now I am behind schedule.

Anyway, new things happening:

Got a Kitten (named Apache "1.3" Brown)
Working more
Trying to work less

Yeah, that is how exciting my life is at the moment. I have got to get back on the horse with the blogging stuff!!!

Also, I am thinking of bringing the tech back into the personal just because that is me....Any thoughts?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend with the guys

This weekend I had a great time with some old friends who came into town. I hadn't seen them in a while and when we get together we always have a great time. We all have "ladies" so they also came down. My wife and I were playing host to 6 people in our apartment. The weekend went pretty smoothly just like old times.

We made a couple of videos for our website. If you want you can check out Soundtrack Guy and Magical Pleasure Land. If you like those please check out our YouTube channel.

We went to a couple restaurants that were awesome. Buca di Peppo, an Italian style restaurant which is really good for a large group. Overall a fun and great weekend.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Status Update Marraige so Far

I have been married for about 3 weeks. My wife and I had a disastrous trip to Pigeon Forge and we have had lovers quarrels. Marriage despite what people say is not a hard institution its really an art of how well you can tow the line and be able to see where your failing. Balance for me is the hardest part if anyone knows me I love technology, working with technology. So you can only imagine when I get to live out a dream at work playing with high-end Cisco gear coming home sometimes gets pushed back. I love my wife, just sometimes I know I don't put my priorities in the right order.

I have to work on putting the Family first. I declare no more workaholic activity!!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Weekend Trip Part 1 -- On the Way to Pigeon Forge, TN

This weekend I went to Pigeon Forge. Since, I live in Nashville the drive is only around three to four hours long. The trip sounded promising, I took a day off of work on Friday so we could travel Thursday night, wake up ready to go exploring on Friday. Wishful thinking got the better of us on this one.

On Thursday I had my oil, liquids, and other various parts of the car checked so that we would be ready to roll. We left Nashville and about 30 miles out my Battery, Brake, and Door ajar lights come on the dash. They flickered off and on. My first thought was when they checked the signals and lights and the battery they had bumped something or the computer needed to be reset. We continued on the journey of 208 miles on I-40. At mile marker 320 the dash began to grow dim, the lights on the car began to fade. Then at mile marker 336, the dash panel, gauges, and radio all went out. My wife was driving the car and panic set in. We kept the care moving and exited on 338 to a shell station just in time as the car shut off.

I had dealt with alternator failure before, but not 208 miles away from home. We ran into the gas station to check for mechanics, towing, and room and board. The time was around 9:00 PM Central.

I called a towing and repair shop in Crossville, TN about 20 miles away. A nice man named Billy Ayers answered the phone and with a kind voice said he would be there in 45 min to a hour. Amber called her mom to find a hotel in the Crossville area. Come to find out that there was a huge rummage sale going on that spanned 3 states and just happen to run through Crossville. All hotels were booked. There was one place called An Jen Inn, a bred and breakfast off the beaten path but close to town.

The lady there was older but kind enough to move out of her room and down to the couch. Billy couldn't get to the gas station soon enough when a "mysterious Hiker" showed up and sat down in front of our broken down car. Several times he signed to us for a cigarette or various other things which we did not have.

After an eternity of sitting in a broken down care the tow truck arrived. After about 10 mins we were loaded up and on the road headed back to Crossville. Billy said he would on the car in the morning and he would take us to the Bed and Breakfast. The An Jen was about 5 miles out of town and set up on a hill. It was well crafted plantation looking home. It had 5 rooms each with its own bathroom. A wedding chapel, pool, and a nice porch with comfy chairs.

Billy got the car done as promised and after 348.43 dollars of parts and labor it was fixed. It was noon on Friday and we were extremley anxious to get to Pigeion forge to say the least.

Going through Knoxville, Sevierville were the worst parts. Yes, worse than being broke down traffic, 10 mph traffic.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Simpsons Movie

After 400+ episodes and the logest running American sitcom the Simpsons finally put out a movie. I saw this movie on Friday night along with about 200 other peers. My opnion of the movie was it was a good and true to the Simpsons mantra. It was a very funny film with surprising parts and hilarous pieces of comedy mixed together like a fine ice cream with chunks of fruit. You get a little bit with every minute of watching.

The movie for me was entertaining and satisfying. I have always watched the simpsons and find their show very funny. The movie poked fun at almost everything that has happened on the show and in real life. From my perspective and what I found most of the audience is everyone will enjoy the movie.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Officially Married

I got married on Saturday July 21, 2007. On Monday July 23, I woke up and went to work and she make me breakfast while I was taking a dump. That night homemade spaghetti with meat balls and sauce. She also cleaned and did stuff I wouldn't do during the day. I could get use to this...bonus I get as much sex as I want!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

New Car...Honda

I got a new car from my cousin for a very good price (thank you Chris). The Honda Accord '99, coupe EX V6 is one hell of a car. The truck that I was driving had problems at 70 mph the Accord I can't even tell that I was going 90 mph. I will post some pictures as soon as I take them.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Baseball Weekend

All weekend long in Nashville, TN, I watched baseball...high school level baseaball. My brother and family came to down to play baseball. The entire weekend I was the driver across town for my family to and from the ball game. The baseball team, however, was terrible they didn't win a game. It was good to get some sun!!! Next Weekend is my cousin's wedding and that is a trip back home.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rocky Balboa or Rocky 6

The final chapter in the Rocky series and I watched it this weekend. If you have seen this movie and you thought it was bad or not up to par you should be beaten for saying or thinking so. This was a good movie solid. Yeah it doesn't have all kinds of stuff in it but it was simple and to the point. Rocky is a staple in a America. The guy who goes from rags to riches back to semi-rags then in one last heroic attempt he goes after what makes him happy. Essentially this is what the movie is, however, there are 3 huge dialogues/monologues where Rocky gives that made me shed a tear. Before you say, what a puss, hear me out. Rocky in this movie to me portrays my father, he doesn't know a whole lot but what he knows he knows very well. Wisdom comes with age and when your dad tells you something you should listen. Rocky gives a speech to his son and it felt like my dad was on screen or right in front of me telling me that same spill. Anyway it brought a tear to my eye.

Those scenes are not the only thing that make this movie great its the fight, the montage, and just seeing another Rocky film and knowing it will be the last one.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Not totally stupid

Today at work I felt like I was back in the infant stage at life. Everything I did was wrong. I couldn't even put four screws into a rack without two other guys there helping or taking over. It feels like I am going backwards instead of forwards. I know I have the skills just at the moment I am so apprehensive about looking stupid I look stupid. I ask dumb questions that I know the answer too. I am afraid of making mistakes. Jesus, the more I am scared the worse I look. I went to school for four years to look like a jackass. I have got to get a handle on the nerves and get some confidence back. Learn the shit and just do a good job. Mistakes will be made but I have to move on.

Sometimes you just got to let it out. But I am really frustrated with my performance.

Monday, May 28, 2007

New Job...New CAR

I have started my new job and the first week has been awesome. The people are really cool and the pace is not to fast but not to slow either. I am learning a whole new way of doing things and equipment. Its been a very fun and fast first week, and this next week I can't wait to get started on.

Also, I am buying a car 99 Honda Accord. My cousin made me one hell of a deal on it and I had to take him up on it. This car marks my first big item I can call mine.

Anyway I have been really busy the past week and hopefully will stay busy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bored to Tears

I moved in Monday to Nashville, TN. It is now Thursday and I have finally gotten Internet and cable. For a person that usually spends at least 15 hrs. a day on the Computer/Internet I was somewhat bored to death. The first day was ok I had things to do, I read, I cleaned, I set things up, shopped. The second day was harder, I had watched all my Netflix movies, so I pulled out the Lappy and watched some SouthPark episodes. I then started listening to music and back to reading. Reading is probably what saved my mind. I am currently reading Deception Point by Dan Brown and am almost finished thanks to this week. I am also reading Marathon: Ultimate Training Guide and CCNA exam study guide. Anyway on the subject of boredom, I am use to coming into work everyday having somethign to do some structure for the day and someone to talk to almost all hours of the day. This week I have had no one except for the phone and the people I could reach. Anyway I can't wait for work to start so I will have more to do during the day then read and watch stuff all day.

Monday, May 07, 2007

SquidBillies...Cartoon Jesco White (Dancing Outlaw)

My cousin asked me if I had seen Squidbillies, a cartoon on Cartoon Network's adult swim. A basis synopsis of the show can be found at wikipedia, but I will also give one here. The show is about squids in the mountains of Georgia and all the people that make up the mountain town.



The two main characters are Early and Rusty, a father and son team who have various adventures together.

Episode 1: This Show is Called Squidbillies

I compare to one my favorite movies/documentaries The Dancing Outlaw, just in cartoon form. The Dancing Outlaw is about a man named Jesco White, who lives in the hills of West Virginia. He is the son of a famous Mountain Dancer, who was tragically killed in a stand off. It is one of the saddest and yet entertaining documentary on rural life in America.

Exert from The Dancing Outlaw

Squidbillies reflects Jesco in many of the episodes I have seen, of course the issues are a little more outrageous but most of the time they reflect the backwardness of rural life.

I would suggest checking them both out for some serious laughs, but be prepared for some very controversial topics.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Trip to Elizabethtown

Over the weekend I made a quick trip up to my summer stomping grounds E-town. You might have seen the movie Elizabethtown but I can say from experience, it is nothing like the movie makes it out to be. The simple fact that when I drive down the main strip there is not a kid riding a bike with weird looking glasses motioning to me to go this way to my cousin's house shows the difference in the movie version and the real.

Elizabethtown, for three summers was a great place to live and work. I had dreamed of coming back after graduation and living there for the rest of my life. However, I went with a larger city, which in some cases is better.

The visit was to see my second cousins, Hadley and Hayden, 5 and 3 respectively, who were both playing their first games of the season. Amber (my fiancee) and I headed out at about 1:00 PM and got there in plenty of time to see Hayden in T-ball. The problem instead of playing it was only picture night. We drove in a rush to see him but to no avail, as he was justing getting pictures done. After eating we then went to Hadley's soccer game which was quite exciting. Three on three soccer action. Hadley for the most part either kicked dirt or ran after the group following the ball. She also did wonderful playing in the net. All in all it was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. Hayden of course wanted to go out and play with Hadley, but he will have to wait his turn in the fall before they unleash that beast on the field.

The next day, was started by having both kids come down and wake Amber and myself up at 8:00 AM. We then spent the day playing in the creek and just having a good time outside. We ate Mexican food at one of the best places in E-town to get Mexican food, Los Napoles. If in Elizabethtown, defintely stop there or El Rodeo. After our meal we then planned a grill out with the neighbors, whom over the years have become family. Amber and I also got some pictures taken but the kids alas wanted to be in anything we were doing. The results were some really funny pics.

Sunday, of course was the sad day, the day we leave the kids and my cousin's nice house and drive back to Murray to study. Everytime I leave up there its hard to leave the smiling faces and beautiful memories.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On the Edge of Explosion

As of this week my school year is beginning to get a little more hectic with papers being do and other projects starting to come up. The tension is mounting but with very little hours this semester I didn't have to much of a problem getting things done. I am slightly off my workout schedule, for about the last 2 weeks because of being so busy. I think the upcoming last few closing weeks I will be able to get back on the horse and at least start up again at working out. Hopefully, this will get it back on track. In other news, my apartment is waiting down in Nashville and its edging closer everyday. The worst part is rent will be due soon.

Anyway it feels like if stuff doesn't slow down I am going to explode.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Blades of Glory...Sweet Jesus

If you have seen Talledaga Nights, Anchorman, or any Will Ferrell movie you will know that he is outrageous and hilarious in anything he does. Blades of Glory is without a doubt one of the best movies I have seen. The movie is a different kind of funny but if you are a Will Ferrell movie and can just laugh. John Heder is equally funny and the cameos are some of the funniest.

Thumbs UP, way UP!!

I am still laughing from that movie.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Starting UP

As school closes down, I am beginning to begin to start up my new life in Nashville. For the first time I will have to search out different services on my own and then make the payments, whereas in the the past I let my parents choose the best and I would pay. Right now, I am looking for new car insurance, rental insurance, cable/internet, electric, and water all for Nashville. I move in May 14, so I have a little time to search determine the best and then get signed up with the services. Looking for all this stuff and actually taking responsibility for stuff I guess is the beginning to a new stage in life, which I welcome with opening arms.

A few things I am looking forward to no more dorms, no more doing laundry with quarters, no more parking tags where I live, no more tuition, no more books to buy, and no more part time job.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Nashville Address

My fiancee and I went to Nashville on our Spring Break with one goal, FIND A PLACE TO LIVE. We began our search as soon as we got down to Nashville with a list of apartments that we had found on the Internet and could possibly live there. The first couple of apartments were on the West Side of Nashville off of Charlotte Ave. Nashville is a relatively big city and when driving out from Nashville I began to get a little worried about the neighborhood it was getting a little bit dirty. By dirty I mean it had some trashy looking places on the side and it was looking older. My friend once told me you can tell quite a bit from the roofs of houses in the area. The roofs in this area were troublesome. We went to the first apartment and were pleasantly surprised at how nice and new the apartment was, the price was in our range and it was a 2 bedroom with washer/dryer connections. We then went to three other apartments in the same area and were depressed by each one although the prices were considerably cheaper the area wasn't all that great. If these were the apartments that we found then we were going to be living in a rough neighborhood. Later in the day we drove down to Hillsboro Road/Green Hills area, oh my dad, this area was super nice with really nice apartments and houses all around. We checked out a few prices and got depressed really quickly not in range. We then drove around to see what else was in the area. A huge mall, Cheese Cake Factory, and all kinds of really nice restaurants all around.

Then next day we went out to Bellevue area with determination to find a place that was suitable, we drove passed several places that were not on the list. We looked at around 4 apartments in the Bellevue area and we were set on one particular one that we wanted, however, we looked at one last apartment and that is where we settled it was more expensive but the area is unbelievable. Anyway we found an apartment in the Bellevue area and now we have a Nashville Address and I will move in May 14, 2007.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fiesta Friday...Regrets

Ok so today was like a flashback to about a year ago when all the guys at work would go to lunch together and have a good time laugh and joke, we would listen to Latin music and just relax a little. Today, we had an event called "Fiesta Friday", we journeyed to the Traveling Taco Cart to grab some cheap yet some what authenticate food. When I ordered the Burrito Loco I had no idea that would be almost 5 lbs and as long as my forearm. It was a shocking specimen. The Burrito Loco came with Chicken, Steak, Pork, Beans, Rice, Lettuce, Tomato, and a mixture of other things all in a tortilla. I only ate about half of the burrito because it was so freakin huge.

Now as I sit here at home for Spring Break my body is saying, "Why the hell did eat that burrito". I sit here in a cloud of flatus that is disgusting it makes me honestly gag.

Status: Regretting Fiesta Friday chose of Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Life or no Life...

I have come to the realization that maybe I don't have a life or I have a life but am not living it. Example: Friday Night, instead of me going out with my Fiancee and having a good time at some place around town, this Friday I sat in my room and did my Visual Basic Homework, watched TV, and just read online Linux Forums until about 2:00 AM. This is why my Finacee can't leave me alone for than a night if she does I turn into a very serious geek. Now I think there is time to turn this around, or not, no there is no way to this around. I will continue down the path of the geek, destined not for greatness but carpul Tunnel.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mindless Drone

This is my last semester at Murray State. My classes are setup so that I have maximum time to be able to study other materials, and by other I mean certification exams for after school. As of right now I have not cracked one of these books open to even begin studying. Currently, I get and go (only if I am feeling like I haven't been to class in a few days) to my Visual Basic Class where I listen to an arrogant professor tell us how stupid we are for not knowing how to program with Visual basic before the class. Then he goes on and on about material we have covered a week ago, its a very iterative class. Then I go to work. Then I go to my Rootkit lab and then its off to the Personal Finance class. Currently the best class I have is Personal Finance, reason being its about my money and ways to make more money.

My schedule is relaxed but this semester it feels like my mind is just not getting a workout. Last semester I was in some high pressure, high stress classes that really pushed me to the brink. This time I have to much downtime?? 13 hours of class isn't much especially when 3 hours of those hours are not in a class room I am glad that I don't have that much class but at the same time I think I am doing a disservice to myself by have taking all my hard Capstone courses early and now taking electives.

I think I am becoming a mindless drone with no work or projects to keep my mind fresh and critically thinking.

I pose the question: Which is better to setup your last semester as the easiest semester of your career or Take those capstone critical thinking courses??????

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Workout 2007 -- Week 3

This is wrapping up week 3 of my "Workout 2007" plan.  The last post I made on here was about "Super Size Me" the documentary and since then I have worked really hard to get back in shape and not eat such bad food.  I get up at 5:30 - 6:00 AM every day and go to the gym.  My exercise routine on Monday, and Thursday comprises of:
  • Run for 20 min
  • Leg Press 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 160x180x200
  • Leg Curl 3 sets 12x10x8 reps not sure what the weight is
  • Leg Extension 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 95x105x115
  • Calf Raises 3 sets 12x12x12 reps 95x95x95
  • Lat Pull Down 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 95x105x115
  • Seated/Compound Row 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 95x105x115
  • Biceps 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 65x70x75
The Tuesday and Friday workout is as follows:
  • Run for 20 min/ Sometimes swim on Friday
  • Chest Press 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 95x105x115 (discovered how weak my chest really was when I couldn't get 115x125x135 the desired reps)
  • Incline Chest Press 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 85x90x95 (refer to note above...weak!!)
  • Shoulder Press 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 70x80x90
  • Laterial Raise 3 sets 12x10x8 reps 50x65x70
  • Tricep pushdown 3 sets 12x10x8 reps not sure
  • Tircep extension 3 sets 12x10x8 65x70x75
  • Abs 3 sets 20x20x20
The Wednesday workout is as follows:
  • Run for 30 min / Swim sometimes
  • Abs 3 sets 20x20x20
Now at week 3 I have to say I am starting to feel better about myself  I have a long way to go but I hope to be stronger, have more energy (if I go to bed early enough), feel better, and have more endurance by the 8 week mark.  My body weight is staying the same but my muscle tone in my arms, chest, and legs are coming along.  My toughest areas I really have to work on is the stomach and the neck ( don't ask).

So far so good if I can keep this up and steadily improve on the reps and the weight when I reach the reps I plan on raising the weight up a notch.

Wish me luck!!