Friday, January 27, 2006

Update on the Blog

Alright so a quick update before I go to sleep this year and this semester I really plan on hitting the blog race pretty hard.  A few things I want to accomplish with the blog is to get the Tech and personal portions coming n more often.  I really like the technical part and the fact that I can look at and review programs and even though people don't read the blog its cool cause it makes become a little better on writing things. Another goal is to redesign my site which has been off the web for a while heck technicallly it was never on the web.  But that is ok I am definatley going to get it back up.  The master plan is to have two different blogs on my site and few other interesting tid bits.  I am currently working on the database portion of the site which will run the site.  I am also technically going to working on a posting interface for the database and posts for the blogs.  The blogs will be pretty cool just to have  and  to work them on a database level will be pretty neat.  Hopefully all my plans go well and I can get this up and going before next semester.

Well I am going to go to bed and then home tomorrow so I  will post some other time.

Heath Brown

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