Sunday, April 01, 2007

Starting UP

As school closes down, I am beginning to begin to start up my new life in Nashville. For the first time I will have to search out different services on my own and then make the payments, whereas in the the past I let my parents choose the best and I would pay. Right now, I am looking for new car insurance, rental insurance, cable/internet, electric, and water all for Nashville. I move in May 14, so I have a little time to search determine the best and then get signed up with the services. Looking for all this stuff and actually taking responsibility for stuff I guess is the beginning to a new stage in life, which I welcome with opening arms.

A few things I am looking forward to no more dorms, no more doing laundry with quarters, no more parking tags where I live, no more tuition, no more books to buy, and no more part time job.

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