Sunday, May 07, 2006


Yes, school is ending which I love.  Don't get me wrong I love college, I like the people and the free atomosphere, but there is something called FINALS in college.  I am not going to lie these are some though tests, but then there is one thing every college student hates with a passions the FINAL PROJECT.  If you ever have a professor talk about a final project just leave the class, don't bother sticking around.  If you leave you have a chance of living a longer life in the end.  If you don't leave you will be like me in a constant state of stress about the project and what must be done.  The pain of the Final Project is just the amount of work to be put into it.  One of my professors gave us our project 1 week before class was over.  The project is due next week.  WTF, how the hell can you do that to people.  Either don't give the final or something, to me its ridiculous.  I hate final projects.  I can't wait to get the work over with.

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