Sunday, April 09, 2006

Much needed catch up!

I haven't written in a while so I figured I would catch the interenets up to speed with what has been going down.  Since the last time I wrote anything I was going to Spring Breake with a bunch of people, it was really fun I had a great time.  My classes have been going pretty good but this last push to the end is really getting old its like you hit a certain poiont where you just dont want to go anymore and I think that is where I am at.  I am not saying that I am quitting, just you get tired of the same crap being spewed at you day in and day out.  I have been really disapppoi9nted in the level of difficulty in my classes this semester not enough to make it a challeng make me want to do better.  I know you should try your best but if I am not challenged then I won't try.  For the most part the smesmbester is going very well and Summer looks to be awesome.  Its back to Elizabethtown for me to do some work hopefully move some computers into a new building.

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